Working To Empower The Latinx Community!

The goals and objectives of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club are to promote and encourage Latinx candidates to empower the Latinx community in areas of Immigration and Social Justice Issues such as Economic Development for Latino Jobs and Businesses, for Quality of Life Issues relative to violence prevention, youth and education. In addition, support other candidates that will advocate and promote issues and legislation that further the Latino Agenda. To actively motivate Latinos to understand the issues, vote, and get involved through advocacy.

SFLDC Statement on SAFE Streets Act

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A Message from the President: A Commitment to Healing

Dear Members and Friends,

This past year has been one of immense challenge and reflection for me, personally, and for our community as a whole. At times, addressing public statements - whether misinformation, omissions of facts, or even falsifications - felt impossible. Stepping away from the fray became a necessity for my own health and the health of the organization, trusting that the truth and justice would find its way through fair and independent processes. 

That being said, while I have been grounded by truth, that hasn’t precluded the opportunity for personal reflection. In stepping back, I had the opportunity to reflect on the political climate we navigate daily: It can be harsh, divisive, and toxic. I must admit that I have not been immune to these forces; I have, at times, contributed to, participated in, and facilitated the very tensions we all seek to overcome, as many of us have. Recognizing this has not been easy, but it has been necessary. 

Healing and restoration are not just aspirational - they are required if we are to move forward together. To address the pain and divisions that have lingered, the SF Latinx Democratic Club has formed a Healing, Repair, and Reconciliation Committee. This step is not taken lightly but out of a somber acknowledgment of the trust that has been strained, and the urgent need for reconciliation. The work of this committee will focus on confronting past harms and creating pathways for healing. It is a necessary step to realign with our core values that are meant to guide us, as we work to empower Latinos.

As part of this commitment, the LDC will support open and constructive dialogue, ensuring there is space for mediation and reconciliation. To facilitate this, the SFLDC will cover the cost of utilizing Community Boards for conflict resolution or similar organizations where individual concerns and grievances can be addressed and aired out, so healing and repair can, hopefully, begin. It is our belief that only by facing these challenges openly and honestly, only then can we truly move forward. 

This journey will not be easy. It will require paciencia, humility, and the willingness to engage tension. But I am committed to ensuring that this path leads to a more united Latino community. I invite you to join us in this necessary work.

We have a responsibility to confront our challenges and transform them into opportunities for healing and growth. Let us move forward with humility and resolve, our unity is our strength.

With hope,

Kevin Ortiz

President, San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club



Un mensaje del presidente: un compromiso de curación

Estimados miembros y amigos,

El año pasado ha sido de inmenso desafío y reflexión para mí, personalmente y para nuestra comunidad en su conjunto. En ocasiones, abordar las declaraciones públicas (ya sea información errónea, omisiones de hechos o incluso falsificaciones) parecía imposible. Alejarme de la contienda se convirtió en una necesidad para mi propia salud y la salud de la organización, confiando en que la verdad y la justicia encontrarían su camino a través de procesos justos e independientes. 

Dicho esto, si bien me he basado en la verdad, eso no ha impedido la oportunidad de una reflexión personal. Al dar un paso atrás, tuve la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre el clima político que atravesamos a diario: el cual puede ser duro, divisivo y tóxico. Debo admitir que no he sido inmune a estas fuerzas; En ocasiones, he contribuido, participado y facilitado las mismas tensiones que todos buscamos superar. Reconocer esto no ha sido fácil, pero sí muy necesario. 

La curación y la restauración no son sólo aspiraciones. son necesarios si queremos avanzar juntos. Para abordar el dolor y las divisiones que persisten, el Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco ha formado un Comité de Sanación, Reparación y Reconciliación. Esta medida fue tomada a la ligera, sino como resultado de un sombrío reconocimiento de la confianza que se ha visto afectada y de la urgente necesidad de una reconciliación. El trabajo de este comité se centrará en confrontar los daños del pasado y crear caminos para la curación. Es un paso necesario para re-alinearnos con nuestros valores fundamentales los cuales deben guiarnos mientras trabajamos para empoderar a los latinos.

Como parte de este compromiso, el Club Demócrata Lationo apoyará el diálogo abierto y constructivo, garantizando que haya espacio para la mediación y la reconciliación. Para facilitar esto, el Club Demócrata Lationo cubrirá el costo de utilizar juntas comunitarias para la resolución de conflictos u organizaciones similares donde las preocupaciones y quejas individuales puedan abordarse y ventilarse, para que, con suerte, pueda comenzar la curación y la reparación. Creemos que sólo si afrontamos estos desafíos de manera abierta y honesta, podremos realmente avanzar. 

Este viaje no será fácil. Requerirá paciencia, humildad y la disposición de atraer tensión. Pero estoy comprometido a garantizar que este camino conduzca a una comunidad latina más unida. Los invito a unirse a nosotros en este muy necesario trabajo.

Tenemos la responsabilidad de afrontar nuestros desafíos y transformarlos en oportunidades de curación y crecimiento. Avancemos con humildad y determinación, nuestra unidad es nuestra fuerza.

Con esperanza,

Kevin Ortíz

Presidente, Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco



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January 15 2025 General Membership Meeting

Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Location:  This meeting will take place virtually using ZOOM and participants will be required to register beforehand using the link here

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be advised this meeting is NOT open to the press due to the sensitive nature of the internal discussions on the agenda. ALL CAMERAS MUST BE ON during the meeting in order to verify participants identity. Please be advised this meeting is only open to eligible members in good standing and NOT open to the press due to the sensitive nature of the internal discussions on the agenda.

January 15th, 2025 Meeting Agenda

1. Welcome & Introductions(10min)

  • Board Roll call -- (2min)

  • Meeting norms and civility rules overview -- (4min)

  • Eligible Voting Guidelines-- (4min)

2. Informational Items(30min)

  • Presentation of Special Investigation Committee on process and results (15 min presentation, 15 min Q&A) 

3. Action Items (90 min)

  • SFDCCC Sexual Harassment Code of Conduct Policy (20min) -- Presentation of draft policy and open discussion. (10 min presentation, 10min Q&A) 

  • Rechartering with SF Democratic Party (20min) -- Overview of process and requirements. -- (10 min presentation, 10min Q&A)

  • General Elections for 2025 Executive Board (30min) -- Nominations and voting process for open positions. -- (20 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)

    • President - Kevin Ortiz

    • Vice Presidents of Political Affairs - Theresa Pasion & Michael Rouppet

    • Treasurer - Gabriela Lozano

    • Vice President of Communications - Paul Aguilar 

    • Historian - Julian Bermudez

    • Parliamentarian / General Counsel -  Daniel Chesmore

    • Membership - Ethena Caldas

    • At Large / Cultural Affairs - Alicia Gamez

    • At Large / Chicano Latino Caucus - Jaime Gutierrez

4. Announcements -- (5min)

5. New business  -- (5min)

6. Adjournment

Meeting Norms, Civility Rules & Agreements

  • One Mic, One Voice (Raise your hand via Zoom to speak and wait to be called upon.)

  • Own your impact, assume good intent.

  • Take space, make space

  • Listen to understand, not reply.

  • Stay on topic and adhere to the agenda

  • Engage tension, don’t indulge drama.

  • Respect all speakers and maintain a constructive tone.

  • No personal attacks or inflammatory language.

  • Safe space rules - non-violence, non-threatening, no epithets, and does not mean comfortable but may challenge our comfort zones.


  • Repeated violations of these group agreements WILL NOT BE TOLERATED

  • First violation will receive a reminder, second violation will result in expulsion from the meeting.

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