Working To Empower The Latinx Community!

The goals and objectives of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club are to promote and encourage Latinx candidates to empower the Latinx community in areas of Immigration and Social Justice Issues such as Economic Development for Latino Jobs and Businesses, for Quality of Life Issues relative to violence prevention, youth and education. In addition, support other candidates that will advocate and promote issues and legislation that further the Latino Agenda. To actively motivate Latinos to understand the issues, vote, and get involved through advocacy.

April 18, 2018 Meeting | Junta 18 de Abril 2018


Please join us for our upcoming general body membership meeting this coming Wednesday.  We will be finishing out our endorsements for the June 2018 Primary Election. Also on the agenda is a discussion and vote to add Mark Leno as the Club’s second choice for Mayor in the ranked choice ballot.

Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestra próxima reunión de membresía general este miércoles. Terminaremos nuestros endosos para la Elección Primaria de junio de 2018. También en la agenda hay una discusión y voto para agregar a Mark Leno como la segunda opción del Club para el Alcalde en la votación por orden de preferencia.


Membership Meeting - April 18, 2018

Reunión de Membresía - 21 de Abril, 2018

6PM - 9 PM

Location / Ubicación:

The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics

518 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110


  1. Check-In (Registracion)

  2. Welcome (Bienvenida)

  3. Approval of Agenda (Aprobación de Agenda)

  4. Approval of Minutes  for January - March 2018 (Aprobación de Minutos de Reunión para Enero - Marzo 2018)

  5. Executive Board Reports (Informes de la Junta Ejecutiva)

  6. Endorsements: Presentation and Discussion (Endoso de Candidatos: Presentacion y Discusión)

    1. Mark Leno as Second Choice for Mayor (Mark Leno como Segunda Opción para el Alcalde)

    2. California State Offices (Oficinas Ejecutivas Estatales de California)

    3. California Ballot Propositions (Medidas Proposiciónes del Estado de California)

  7. Old Business (Asuntos Previos)

  8. Announcements (Anuncios)

  9. Upcoming Events (Eventos proximos)

  10. Adjourn & Clean-Up (Suspension de Sesion)

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SPECIAL ENDORSEMENT MEETING: March 27th, 2018 Meeting | Junta 27 de Marzo 2018


We will be hosting a special endorsement meeting on Tuesday, March 27th from 6:30 PM to 9 PM at Impact Hub in SF for general body membership to hold endorsement votes. This will be a qualifying meeting.

We will be holding endorsement votes for the following:

SF Mayor / Alcalde de San Francisco

CA Governor / Gobernador de California

CA Lieutenant Governor / Vice Gobernador de California

District 8 Supervisor / Supervisor(a) de San Francisco - Distrito 8

US Congress, District 12 / Congreso Nacional, District 12

San Francisco Ballot Measures / Medidas Electorales de San Francisco

Special Endorsement Meeting - March 27, 2018
Reunión de Aprobación Special - 27 de Marzo, 2018
6:30 PM - 9 PM

Location / Ubicación:
Impact Hub
1885 Mission St, San Francisco, CA 94103

Also, don't forget about our co-sponsored Judicial Forum event with LYDSF next Thursday March 29th, at Mission Cultural Center from 6:30 PM to 9 PM. This meeting will also be a qualifying meeting.

We look forward to seeing you!

SF Latino Dems

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March 2018 Meeting | Junta de Marzo 2018


Please join us for our upcoming general body membership meeting this coming Wednesday.

Por favor únete con nosotros para nuestra junta de membresía general del cuerpo este próximo Miércoles.


Membership Meeting - March 21, 2018

Reunión de Membresía - 21 de Marzo, 2018

6PM - 9 PM


Location / Ubicación:

The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics

518 Valencia St.

San Francisco, CA 94110



  1. Check-In/ Registracion → (6:00 - 6:30)
  2. Welcome/ Bienvenida → (6:30 - 6:35)
  3. Approval of Agenda/ Aprobación de Agenda → (6:35 - 6:45)
  4. Approval of Minutes (January 2018)/ Aprobación de Minutos de Reunión (Enero 2018) → (6:45 - 6:50)
  5. Executive Board Reports/ Informes de la Junta Ejecutiva → (6:50 - 7:00)

Presentation: Civil Grand Jury Recruitment - deadline to apply May 18, 2018/

Reclutamiento para Gran Jurado Civil - fecha límite: 18 de Mayo, 2018 → (7:00 - 7:10)

  1. Endorsements: Presentation and Vote/ Endoso de Candidatos: Presentacion y Voto → (7:10 - 7:30)
  1. SF Mayor/ Alcalde de San Francisco
  2. CA Governor/ Gobernador de California
  3. CA Lieutenant Governor/ Vice-Gobernador de California
  4. District 8 Supervisor/ Supervisor(a) de San Francisco - Distrito 8
  5. US Congress, District 12/ Congreso Nacional, Distrito 12
  6. San Francisco Ballot Measures/ Medidas Electorales de San Francisco
  1. Issues - Presentation & Position Vote/ Presentación de Asuntos y Voto de Position → (7:30 - 7:45)
    1. Costa Hawkins/ Acta de Costa Hawkins
    2. Tasers/ Tasters
  2. Old Business/ Asuntos Previos → (7:45 - 7:55)
  3. Announcements/ Anuncios → (7:55 - 8:05)
    1. Upcoming Events/ Eventos proximos

Adjourn & Clean-Up/ Suspension de Sesion  → (8:05 - 8:10)

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