Working To Empower The Latinx Community!

The goals and objectives of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club are to promote and encourage Latinx candidates to empower the Latinx community in areas of Immigration and Social Justice Issues such as Economic Development for Latino Jobs and Businesses, for Quality of Life Issues relative to violence prevention, youth and education. In addition, support other candidates that will advocate and promote issues and legislation that further the Latino Agenda. To actively motivate Latinos to understand the issues, vote, and get involved through advocacy.

SF Meet & Greet: Candidate for U.S. Senate Kevin de León

Join the Latin@ Young Democrats of San Francisco, the San Francisco Latino Democratic Club, the San Francisco Young Democrats, the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club and the Mission Peace Collaborative as we welcome California Senate President Pro Tem and Candidate for U.S. Senate Kevin de León.

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January 2018 General Meeting Agenda

As previously announced, the next General Membership Meeting will be on Wednesday, January 17. Sign-in starts at 6:00 PM. Meeting starts at 6:30 PM. Please note the meeting location will be at Impact Hub,1885 Mission St in Meeting Room 7 on the 3rd Floor. There is an elevator for those with mobility difficulties.

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Wednesday November 15, 2017
Eric Quezada Center: 518 Valencia Street, SF
Check in starts at 6:00pm - Meeting begins at 6:30pm.

We will have a short agenda focusing on the election of our 2018 Board - Make sure you are eligible to vote by paying your dues!

Candidates running for positions so far are:

President: Lila Carrillo
Parliamentarian: Sarah Souza
Secretary: Javier Virgil
Treasurer: Zachary Robles 
VP of Political Affairs: Lito Sandoval
VP of Membership: Jose "Pepe" Rodriguez
VP of Communications: Freddy Isaguirre Merlos
VP of External Affairs: Kevin Ortiz

Come cast your vote!!!

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