Posted by Paul Aguilar · January 11, 2025 3:50 PM
Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Location: This meeting will take place virtually using ZOOM and participants will be required to register beforehand using the link here
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be advised this meeting is NOT open to the press due to the sensitive nature of the internal discussions on the agenda. ALL CAMERAS MUST BE ON during the meeting in order to verify participants identity. Please be advised this meeting is only open to eligible members in good standing and NOT open to the press due to the sensitive nature of the internal discussions on the agenda.
January 15th, 2025 Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome & Introductions(10min)
Board Roll call -- (2min)
Meeting norms and civility rules overview -- (4min)
Eligible Voting Guidelines-- (4min)
2. Informational Items(30min)
3. Action Items (90 min)
Rechartering with SF Democratic Party (20min) -- Overview of process and requirements. -- (10 min presentation, 10min Q&A)
General Elections for 2025 Executive Board (30min) -- Nominations and voting process for open positions. -- (20 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)
President - Kevin Ortiz
Vice Presidents of Political Affairs - Theresa Pasion & Michael Rouppet
Treasurer - Gabriela Lozano
Vice President of Communications - Paul Aguilar
Historian - Julian Bermudez
Parliamentarian / General Counsel - Daniel Chesmore
Membership - Ethena Caldas
At Large / Cultural Affairs - Alicia Gamez
At Large / Chicano Latino Caucus - Jaime Gutierrez
4. Announcements -- (5min)
5. New business -- (5min)
6. Adjournment
Meeting Norms, Civility Rules & Agreements
One Mic, One Voice (Raise your hand via Zoom to speak and wait to be called upon.)
Own your impact, assume good intent.
Take space, make space
Listen to understand, not reply.
Stay on topic and adhere to the agenda
Engage tension, don’t indulge drama.
Respect all speakers and maintain a constructive tone.
No personal attacks or inflammatory language.
Safe space rules - non-violence, non-threatening, no epithets, and does not mean comfortable but may challenge our comfort zones.
Repeated violations of these group agreements WILL NOT BE TOLERATED
First violation will receive a reminder, second violation will result in expulsion from the meeting.
1 reaction
Posted by Paul Aguilar · January 06, 2025 10:47 AM
The San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club is ready to announce the findings of its special investigation on recent allegations of sexual misconduct against its president. As previously stated, the SFLDC takes credible allegations of sexual assault seriously, and we conducted a comprehensive investigative process after months of development. The SFLDC was tasked with responding to allegations made publicly in the press in July, and without a formalized investigative process existing to refer to. As the allegations were made against its president, the president suggested and voluntarily took a leave of absence.
The SFLDC agreed to form a special investigation committee (SIC) comprised of subject experts from a reputable sexual violence prevention organization, SFLDC general members, and select SFLDC executive board members. As a commitment to a fair, unbiased process - the SFLDC interim presidents were not involved in the investigation. The committee developed a scope of investigation and included a Code of Conduct with provisions protecting confidentiality and preventing any conflicts of interest, and to maintain respect for the privacy of all those voluntarily participating and facilitating this sensitive process. These documents can be referenced here on our website. Mr. Kevin Ortiz agreed to participate in the process, shared his account via an interview with the SIC, and provided the committee with evidentiary support. Ms. Zahra Hajee declined the committee’s invitation to participate in the investigative process.
Following a deliberative process, the SIC presented their findings, which did not support the allegations, to the Executive Board. Based on these findings - Mr. Ortiz has resumed his role as President of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club. The SIC recommended that, in addition to its newly mandated annual sexual harassment training with the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC), the board conduct an annual “insight building” training recommended by our partners.
We thank the community for their patience and we are preparing for 2025 - as Latinos, immigrants, and other marginalized communities will need all of us united.
El Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco (CDLSF) anuncia los resultados del Comité de Investigación Especial
El Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco está listo para anunciar las conclusiones de su investigación especial sobre las recientes acusaciones de conducta sexual inapropiada contra su presidente. Como se indicó anteriormente, el CDLSF toma en serio las acusaciones creíbles de agresión sexual y llevamos a cabo un proceso de investigación exhaustivo después de meses de desarrollo. El CDLSF tuvo la tarea de responder a las acusaciones hechas públicamente en la prensa en julio, y sin un proceso de investigación formalizado al que referirse. Como las acusaciones se hicieron contra su presidente, el presidente sugirió y se tomó voluntariamente un permiso de ausencia.
El CDLSF acordó formar un comité de investigación especial (IE) compuesto por expertos en la materia de una organización de prevención de la violencia sexual de renombre, miembros generales del CDLSF y miembros selectos de la junta ejecutiva del CDLSF. Como compromiso con un proceso justo e imparcial, los presidentes interinos del CDLSF no participaron en la investigación. El comité desarrolló un alcance de la investigación e incluyó un Código de Conducta con disposiciones que protegen la confidencialidad y previenen cualquier conflicto de intereses, y para mantener el respeto por la privacidad de todos aquellos que participan y facilitan voluntariamente este proceso sensible. Se puede hacer referencia a estos documentos aquí en nuestro sitio web. El Sr. Kevin Ortiz aceptó participar en el proceso, compartió su relato a través de una entrevista con el IE y proporcionó al comité apoyo probatorio. La Sra. Zahra Hajee rechazó la invitación del comité para participar en el proceso de investigación.
Luego de un proceso deliberativo, la IE presentó sus conclusiones, que no respaldaban las acusaciones, al Comité Ejecutivo. Con base en estos hallazgos, el Sr. Ortiz ha retomado su rol como presidente del Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco. El IE recomendó que, además de su capacitación anual sobre acoso sexual recientemente obligatoria con el Comité Central del Condado Demócrata de San Francisco (DCCC), la junta lleve a cabo una capacitación anual de “desarrollo de conocimientos” recomendada por nuestros socios.
Agradecemos a la comunidad por su paciencia y nos estamos preparando para 2025, ya que los latinos, los inmigrantes y otras comunidades marginadas nos necesitarán a todos unidos.
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Posted by Paul Aguilar · October 31, 2024 9:08 AM
The San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club strongly condemns the racist characterizations of Puerto Rico at the Trump rally in Madison Square Garden this week. The incredible lack of awareness given his administration’s history with Puerto Rico is unforgettable as it is unforgivable, and it was broadcast on prime time for everyone in the country to see. The Trump camp does not seem to grasp that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens.
We remember what a Trump administration looked like and the impact it had on our communities in their greatest hours of need after hurricane Maria. Puerto Ricans got paper towels in a self-aggrandizing photo op, leaving ongoing infrastructure gaps from a president who failed to provide the leadership required to do the job. The level of pettiness and vindictive hostility Trump had shown when Puerto Ricans needed his administration to act the most does not deserve a single vote from any of us. We have the receipts.
Our communities deserve respect and it’s clear they won’t get it with another Trump administration. Tony Hinchcliffe told us exactly who they are, what they believe, and our best collective response is to use the power of our vote to take the trash out with a Blue sweep on Election Day next Tuesday.
El Club Demócrata Latinx de San Francisco condena enérgicamente las caracterizaciones racistas de Puerto Rico en el mitin de Trump en el Madison Square Garden esta semana. La increíble falta de conocimiento dada la historia de su administración con Puerto Rico es inolvidable e imperdonable, y se transmitió en horario de máxima audiencia para que todos en el país lo vieran. El bando de Trump no parece comprender que los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos estadounidenses.
Recordamos cómo fue la administración Trump y el impacto que tuvo en nuestras comunidades en sus momentos de mayor necesidad después del huracán María. Los puertorriqueños recibieron toallas de papel en una sesión fotográfica de autoengrandecimiento, dejando brechas de infraestructura persistentes de un presidente que no proporcionó el liderazgo necesario para hacer el trabajo. El nivel de mezquindad y hostilidad vengativa que Trump había mostrado cuando los puertorriqueños más necesitaban que su administración actuara no merece un solo voto de ninguno de nosotros. Tenemos los recibos.
Nuestras comunidades merecen respeto y está claro que no lo obtendrán con otra administración Trump. Tony Hinchcliffe nos dijo exactamente quiénes son, en qué creen, y nuestra mejor respuesta colectiva es utilizar el poder de nuestro voto para sacar la basura con una barrida azul el día de las elecciones el próximo martes.
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