Working To Empower The Latinx Community!

The goals and objectives of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club are to promote and encourage Latinx candidates to empower the Latinx community in areas of Immigration and Social Justice Issues such as Economic Development for Latino Jobs and Businesses, for Quality of Life Issues relative to violence prevention, youth and education. In addition, support other candidates that will advocate and promote issues and legislation that further the Latino Agenda. To actively motivate Latinos to understand the issues, vote, and get involved through advocacy.

Follow-Up on Mission Playground Rally and Press Conference

The Youth of Mission Playground were interviewed last night by PBS/NPR for a national broadcast as one of the Greatest Latino Efforts of 2014.

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SFLDC General Body Meeting/Holiday Mixer – Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Holiday Mixer – Membership “Thank You” Party – Officer Installation

Instead of our regular meeting, the San Francisco Latino Democratic Club will have a Holiday Mixer to build community amongst each other, welcome new members, reflect on our accomplishments, suggest desires for the next year, install our new officers….and PARTY!

Azucar Lounge
299 9th St. 
San Francisco, California 94103

FREE for Current Members!
FREE for Members that Join.
$25 for Non-Members and Guests

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SFLDC Statement on Ferguson

The San Francisco Latino Democratic Club is deeply disappointed with the grand jury decision in the case of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed unarmed teenager Michael Brown. We along with many legal experts and scholars are also critical of how the case was mishandled by St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCullough.

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