As many of you know Eric Guerra is running for city council in Sacramento and if elected will be the first Latino to hold a seat on the council in a very long time. This election is slated to be very close as turnout is expected to be historically low. Every vote we turn out will help Eric win!
Last Tuesday we held a phone bank in support of Eric and thank you for those who attended. Now that the election is on week away we want to support Eric in his GOTV efforts. This Saturday April 4th we are organizing a group of members from the SFLDC to drive up to Sacramento and walk some precincts for Eric. Please join us in this effort as the more people we take up there the better the chance he has to win. I especially urge you to attend if you can drive as many of us do not have cars.
If you have any questions, send them to [email protected]
SFLDC Erick Guerra GOTV Precinct Walk
Sacramento, CA
Meet at 29A Hoff St (between Valencia & Mission off 16th)
8 am PT
RSVP here