SFLDC has some upcoming volunteer opportunities and events.
Carnaval San Francisco
LDC will also have a table at Carnaval SF. The event takes place the weekend of May 28th. We'll have more details as we get closer to the event date.
Event website: http://www.carnavalsanfrancisco.org/
If you'd like to volunteer at either of these events, let us know by emailing [email protected] or filling out our Volunteer Form here.
A Day Without Immigrants
LDC officially endorsed A Day Without Immigrants. Now it’s time to put our money where our mouth is!
Come out on Monday, May 1, to take part in the march and rallies against President Trump's shameful program to build a wall and deport over 3 million immigrants & refugees!
11:00 AM Rally at Justin Herman Plaza
12:00 PM March on Market Street to Civic Center Plaza
2:00 PM Rally at Civic Center Plaza
Event website: https://www.threemillionmissing.org/
San Francisco Democratic Party Dinner
On May 4th the San Francisco Democratic Party will honor California Democratic Party Chair John Burton and his lifelong service as a public official and advocate for those most vulnerable in our society.
The event will be held at New Asia Restaurant, 772 Pacific Avenue. Doors open at 5:00 PM; program starts at 6:00 PM.
If you’re interested in attending, let us know ASAP so we can get a headcount!
Latin American Teachers Association (LATA) Scholarship Dinner/Dance Celebration
On Friday, May 5th, 2017 from 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM, the Latin American Teachers Association CORDIALLY invites you to celebrate our SFUSD High School Scholarship Recipients! The event will b at Patio Espanola, 2850 Alemany St.
Tickets range from $50 - $450 and can be purchased on the LATA website. Last year they sold out so reserve your space in advance and get $10 discount for every 2 people!
Please arrive on time as seats can’t be held past 6pm.
Event Schedule:
5:00pm Registration, No host bar & networking
6:00pm sharp, Dinner & Program
8:00pm Dance with Orquesta ADELANTE
May General Body Meeting
Thank you to everyone who came out for our April meeting!
Our next General Body Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 17, at 518 Valencia: The Eric Quezada Center for Culture and Politics. Doors open at 6:00 PM; meeting starts at 6:30 PM.
RSVP here.
2015 California Democrats State Convention
This year’s California Democrats (CADEM) State Convention will be from May 19 – 21 at the Sacramento Convention Center, 1400 J Street.
If you haven’t yet, join the Chicano Latino Caucus which will be having its Board Elections that weekend. Join online here.
The LDC General Body endorsed the following CLC candidates:
Recording Secretary: Gabriel Medina
Vice Chair Region 1: Evelyn Torres