SFLDC Panel - Latinx in Labor

The San Francisco LatinX Democratic Club is proud to bring you this incredible line-up and panel discussion on the importance of Labor in the LatinX Community, organizing workplaces with predominantly people of color, and the importance of the PRO Act.

Our panel consists of:

-Shaun Martinez - International Brotherhood of Teamsters - Strategic Campaigner/Organizer

-Agustin Ramirez - International Longshore & Warehouse Union - Northern California Lead Organizer

-Rudy Gonzalez - San Francisco Building & Construction Trades Council - Secretary-Treasurer

Special Guest:
Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez - District 80 (San Diego County)

We hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 6:00 PM and Zoom link here
