Our Time is NOW! LDC's 2nd Annual Ball in Brown

Please join us at our annual fundraiser - this year's theme is "Our Time is NOW!"

San Francisco Latino Democratic Club’s mission has been, and continues to be, the empowerment of voters, candidates, and organizers to further a Latino agenda of social and economic justice with a full scope of equity.
For 38 years, our collective efforts have supported the success of Latino candidates, registered new voters, educated the Latino community on local and state issues, and advocated for the unique needs of our Latino community.
We need your continued support to ensure our club continues to be the strong progressive voice the Latino community needs as we look forward to current elections and campaigns as well as future ones.
We cordially invite you to join with us on Thursday, October 19th 7-10pm at Impact Hub (1885 Mission St) for an unforgettable night of networking.
We will have a small awards ceremony honoring members of our community.
Come reconnect with friends and allies!
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/our-time-is-now-ldcs-2nd-annual-ball-in-brown-tickets-50027541724
Don/Doña - $3,000
12 event tickets
Full page recognition in program handout
Prominent logo recognition on FB page
Recognition in event press releases and promotional materials
Dedicated posts on Facebook and Twitter
Dedicated email recognition
Onstage recognition during event
Activista - $2,000
10 event tickets
Half page recognition in program handout
Prominent logo recognition on event website
Recognition in event press releases and promotional materials
Dedicated posts on Facebook and Twitter
Onstage recognition during event
Líder - $1,000
8 event tickets
Quarter page recognition in program handout
Logo recognition on event website
Recognition in event press releases and promotional materials
Thank you mention on Facebook and Twitter
Onstage recognition during event
Madrina/Padrino- $500
4 event tickets
Logo recognition in program handout
Logo recognition on event website
Thank you mention on Facebook and Twitter
Onstage recognition during event
Herman@- $250
2 event tickets
Thank you in program handout
Named recognition on event website
Named recognition on Facebook
Onstage recognition during event
Amigx - $100
1 event tickets
Thank you in program handout
Named recognition on event website
Named recognition on Facebook
Onstage recognition during event
Individual Tickets - $25 Pre-Sale/$30 At the Door