The San Francisco Latino Democratic Club (SFLDC) fully supports the reappointment of Police Commissioner Petra DeJesus to another term on the Commission. Commissioner DeJesus is a long-time member and supporter of SFLDC and has shown commitment to protecting the rights of communities of color and immigrants in San Francisco.
Ms. DeJesus displays a complete understanding of 21st Century Policing. This has been exemplified by her role in the Commission’s re-engineering of Use of Force policies to put an emphasis on deescalating potentially dangerous encounters which includes barring officers from shooting at moving vehicles and using a neck hold on suspects known as the carotid restraint.
She has also been a proponent of body cameras that will benefit both the public and police officers by bringing transparency to encounters with law enforcement as well as provide critical context that leads up to acts of force.
Commissioner DeJesus works hard, and displays a balance of thought and compassion. She has served the City well. SFLDC urges the Board of Supervisors to reappoint her to the SF Police Commission.
Send letters of support to the Rules Committee Clerk and be sure to copy all the supervisors. The addresses are:
[email protected] (Clerk's Office)
[email protected]
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