CALL TO ACTION: Mission Moratorium Gathering TODAY at NOON

Supervisor David Campos is expected to introduce a proposal that would temporarily halt development of market-rate housing in the Mission to address The City’s ongoing housing crisis TODAY at the Board of Supervisors. It’s one of the most aggressive efforts to date to stop displacement of lower-income residents in one of the country’s hottest real estate markets.

Since 2000, the Mission has pushed out 8,000 Latinos, 1,400 families and 1,500 people making less than $50,000 a year. They have been replaced with 6,000 people making over $100,000 a year! Latinos remaining in the Mission have a 20.8% unemployment rate despite a 3.4% unemployment rate for the City overall! The Mission has built more market rate housing anywhere in the City but SOMA and Downtown, yet, while the City has grown over 30,000 people, luxury housing has caused Mission population reduction!

If you are a guerrero/a for the Mission District and its people, we need you to speak at City Hall TODAY to fight for our right to breathe against all the pressures that continue to push our people out. Ellis Act evictions have increased 54%. There are nearly 500 more luxury units in production with another 500 planned. Just 7% of those are affordable. Like the Battle of Puebla, every last guerrero/a must fight if we are going to stand a chance. Our unity is our strength. If you can take a late lunch, we will see you on what will be a historic day!

Gather at noon TODAY (Cinco de Mayo) on the Polk St steps of City Hall!