Working To Empower The Latinx Community!

The goals and objectives of the San Francisco Latinx Democratic Club are to promote and encourage Latinx candidates to empower the Latinx community in areas of Immigration and Social Justice Issues such as Economic Development for Latino Jobs and Businesses, for Quality of Life Issues relative to violence prevention, youth and education. In addition, support other candidates that will advocate and promote issues and legislation that further the Latino Agenda. To actively motivate Latinos to understand the issues, vote, and get involved through advocacy.

SFLDC General Body Meeting – Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Our General Body Meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Sign-in starts at 6:00 pm.

This month VP Of Membership Sarah Souza and Chicano Latino Caucus Representative Gladys Soto have put together a panel focusing on immigration issues, "Let the Dreamers Dream!"

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ACTION: the Mission Takes City Hall Part 2 -Tues, June 2

the Mission Takes City Hall Part 2 :: Supervisors Vote on Luxury Moratorium :: #SaveTheMission

1:30 Rally Polk Street Steps City Hall
3:00 Speak out at Board of Supervisors Hearing

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SFLDC General Body Meeting – Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Dear Members,

It is with great reluctance that the SFLDC is not holding it's membership meeting on the regularly scheduled 3rd Wednesday of the month at 518 Valencia. But San Francisco's Latino community is in great need of our efforts within the larger Democratic Party. SFLDC worked the California Democratic Party Convention in Anaheim and completed our financial audit this past weekend. Our club's leadership is strongly committed to having meetings not just to have meetings, but for the purpose of "Empowering the Latino Community". Please join us for these efforts!

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